All children are entitled to Early Years Funding from Croydon Council from the term after their 3rd birthday.
A child turns 3 between January and March entitled to funding from April.
A child turns 3 between April and August entitled to funding from September.
A child turns 3 between September and December entitled to funding from January.
The government will fund up to 15 hours a week, for 38 weeks of the year free nursery education which is paid directly to the nursery. Your child has to attend on three separate days a week in order to claim the full 15 hours.
In order for the nursery to claim this funding you will need to provide a copy of your child’s birth certificate and complete a declaration stating where you are claiming the free entitlement.
Your child may attend for just their 15 hours a week free early years funding (term time only) if you wish.
Two Year Old and Early Years funded children whom attend all year (funding amount already deducted):
These fees are based on the current level of early years funding and should the government withdraw the level of funding that we receive – we withhold the right to adjust fees accordingly.
The government is offering working parents of 3 and 4 year olds 30 hours free nursery education. Parents need to apply for the funding online at HMRC/Childcare choices. If your application is successful then you will be given a reference number which needs to be given to the nursery.
In order to receive the funding the code needs to be given to nursery the term before funding begins and will be subject to eligibility checking via Croydon Early Years.
September to December – code needs to be given to the nursery by the middle of August
January to March – code needs to be given to the nursery by the middle of November
April to July – code needs to be given to the nursery by the middle of March.